STACKIT ist die digitale Marke der Schwarz IT und damit Teil von Schwarz Digits, der IT- und Digitalsparte der Schwarz Gruppe. Als starke Einheit bietet STACKIT Cloud-Infrastruktur- und Plattform-Services (IaaS und PaaS) in Enterprise-Qualität sowie Colocation in Form von Rechenzentrums- oder Rackspace-Services.
Stiftsbergstraße 1Neckarsulm
How can you ensure that you retain complete control and sovereignty over your data at all times these days? STACKIT, the German cloud provider powered by Europe's largest retail group, has found the i ...
What happens if one of the world’s leading retail groups decides to build their own cloud? The Schwarz Group’s answer is: STACKIT. Find out how Europe’s largest retail group has turned regular cloud c ...